welcome to re:wild

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We don't need to reinvent the planet.
We need to rewild it.


We do this because the solutions to our most pressing challenges — climate change, biodiversity loss and threats to human health — lie in nature. Re:wild works with 500+ partners, most of whom are Indigenous peoples and local communities, in more than 80 countries.

Lollapalooza festivals across the world support important conservation action through Re:wild and our local partners. Join us in Chicago, Aug 1 - 4!

Featured Initiatives

Our Impact

460 million acres in active conservation with partners

500+ partners in more than 80 countries

100+ new conservation areas created

200 threatened species actively conserved

33,000+ species benefitting

Discover some of our projects, and the partners and people we work with, around the world.
AmazoniaThere’s no place on Earth quite like Amazonia.
Indio Maíz-TortugueroOne of Mesoamerica's Five Great Forests.
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Leuser EcosystemThe last wild place where Rhinos, Asian Elephants, Sumatran Orangutans, and Tigers share a home.
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Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural ParkA critically important place for Tamaraw and Indigenous peoples.
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The Galápagos Restoring a living museum and showcase of evolution.
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