Ph.D. Michigan State University, USA Ph.D. Fisheries and Wildlife,B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Massachusetts,B.A. Spanish and Latin American Studies, University of Massachusetts
Dr. Christopher Jordan is a researcher and conservationist who specializes in biodiversity conservation, protected area site security, indigenous peoples and conservation, and developing the capacity of local partners in the Americas. He is strongly interested in community-based conservation, citizen science, site security, indigenous rights, and applying interdisciplinary conservation philosophies. His work has spanned from working closely with indigenous communities on indigenous-led conservation and restoration programs, to collaborating with the private sector in Latin America to develop conservation platforms, to developing government level initiatives and campaigns with government institutions at UNFCCC COP.
Schank, C., M. Cove…C. Jordan, et al. 2020. Population status, connectivity, and conservation action for the endangered Baird's tapir. Biological Conservation. 245:108501
Thornton, D., R. Reyna…C. Jordan, et al. 2020. Precipitous decline of white-lipped peccary populations in Mesoamerica. Biological Conservation. 242:108410
Meyer, N.F.V., J.A. de la Torre, C.A. Jordan, R.Reyna-Hurtado, P. Jansen, J. Ortega, H. Esser, and R. Moreno. 2019. Evaluating the effectiveness of Panama as an ecological bridge between two continents for large mammals. Conservation Biology. 34(1)
Jordan, C.A., B. Hoover, A.J. Dans, C. Schank, and J. Miller. 2018. The Impact of Hurricane Otto on Baird’s Tapir Movement in Nicaragua’s Indio Maiz Biological Reserve. Ch. 2 in: Movement Ecology of Neotropical Forest Mammals.
Schank, C., M.V. Cove, M.J. Kelly, E. Mendoza, G. O’Farril, R. Reyna-Hurtado, N. Meyer, C.A. Jordan, Jose F. González Maya, et. al. 2017. Using a novel model approach to assess the distribution and conservation status of the endangered Baird’s tapir. Diversity and Distributions. 23(12): 1459–1471
C.A. Jordan, C. Schank, G.R. Urquhart, and A.J. Dans. 2016. Terrestrial Mammal Occupancy in the Context of Widespread Forest Loss and a Proposed Interoceanic Canal in Nicaragua’s Decreasingly Remote Southern Caribbean Coast. PLoS ONE.
Schank, C., E. Mendoza, M.J. Garcia Vettorazzi, M.V. Cove, C.A. Jordan, G. O’Farril, N. Meyer, D.J. Lizcano, N. Estrada, C. Poot, and R. Leonardo. Integrating current range-wide occurrence data with species distribution models to map potential distribution of Baird’s tapir. Tapir Conservation. 2015. 24(33):15-25.
Dans, A.J., G. Luna, and C.A. Jordan. 2015. Estado poblacional del almendro como indicador de la disponibilidad de habitat de lapa verde en el sureste de Nicaragua. Ciencia e Interculturalidad. 15(2)
Jordan, C.A. 2015. The dynamics of wildlife and environmental knowledge in a bioculturally diverse coupled natural and human system in the Caribbean region of Nicaragua. Ph.D. diss., ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing.
Jordan, C.A., M.R. Galeano, and A. S. Alonzo. 2014. La Cacería Histórica de Tapires Centroamericanos (Tapirus bairdii) en la RAAS, Nicaragua. Estudios Ambientales. 1(1)
Jordan, C. A., G. R. Urquhart, and D. B. Kramer. 2013. On Using Mental Model Interviews to Improve Camera Trapping: Adapting Research to Costeño Environmental Knowledge. Conservation and Society. 11(2):159-175
Jordan, C.A. and G.R. Urquhart. 2013. Baird’s tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) in Nicaragua. Tapir Conservation. 22(30):14-21
Simons, A., C.A. Jordan and G.R. Urquhart. 2012. Nikaragua kus waupusa tanira daiwan wail nani rayaka ba. Managua.
Jordan, C.A. and K. Roe Hulse. 2010. Estado de la biodiversidad terrestre de la Región Autónoma Atlántico Sur (RAAS), Nicaragua. Ciencia e Interculturalidad. 7(2):136–154.
Jordan, C. A., K.J. Stevens, G.R. Urquhart, D.B. Kramer, and K. Roe. 2010. A new record of Baird’s tapir Tapirus bairdii in Nicaragua and potential implications. Tapir Conservation 19:11-15.
McComb, B., B. Zuckerberg, D. Vesely, and C. Jordan. 2010. Monitoring Animal Populations and Their Habitats: A Practitioner’s Guide. Taylor & Francis Group.Boca Raton, Florida.